Sumner Park District
Sumner Park District Community Garden
Plots are available for the 2024
Community Garden Season!
See information below on how to get yours!

How to Get Your Plot!​
Required Information: Name, phone number, and email
No cost required!
Email us at
Message on Facebook
Call us at 815-239-1083
Send a letter to P.O. Box 660 Pecatonica, IL 61063
Plots will be assigned on a first come first serve basis. Preference will be given to Pecatonica residents.
Location and Plots
Blassingham Park, West of playground equipment
9 plots available, 3 ft x 3 ft each
Allowed Plants and Restrictions
All vegetation is permitted including fruit, flowers, and vegetables
Plots must be maintained by the person/family/families assigned to it. Any plot left un-tended will be cleared by the Park District.
Watering must be done in-person. Sprinkler systems and hoses left on will not be permitted.
Pesticides and toxic substances will not be permitted.
Equipment and Supplies
Plots will be tilled and prepared by the Park District.
The water pump at the park will be accessible to the participants.
All seeds, plant starts, gardening tools, and watering cans will be supplied by participants
Participants can fence their plot as desired as long as it does not interfere with other plots or restrict access to the Park District.