Sumner Park District

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The Sumner Park District of Pecatonica includes Sumner Park located at 300 W.
First Street and Blassingham Park located at the corner of E. Seventh and Jackson
Streets. Both locations are dedicated to providing safe recreation and beautiful natural resources to the Village of Pecatonica and all who visit.
Our Parks and Facilities Include:
Brand New Disc Golf Course
Shelter House and Pavilion Rentals for Groups and Private Events
Children's Playground Areas
Basketball, Tennis and Pickleball Courts
Quality Baseball Fields and Batting Cages
Parking and Access to Pecatonica Prairie Recreational/Bike Path
Picnic Areas with Public Bathrooms
Pecatonica River Access for Boating, Canoeing, Kayaking and Fishing
Summer Kid's Programs
Horseshoe Pits
Nature Preserves